Thursday, March 21, 2013

One of the things we discussed in class this week was the pamphlet One for the money, a guide to family finance. In this book it lists 12 steps of ways in which to be smart about finances.

Step 1: Pay an honest tithing
Step 2: Learn to manage money before it manages you
Step 3: Learn self-discipline and self-restraint in money matters
Step 4: Use a budget
Step 5: Teach family members early the importance of working and earning
Step 6: Teach children to make money decisions in keeping with their capacities to comprehend
Step 7: Teach each family member to contribute to the total family welfare
Step 8: Make education a continuing process
Step 9: Work toward home ownership
Step 10: Appropriately involve yourself in an insurance program
Step 11: Understand the influence of external forces on family finances and investments
Step 12: appropriately involve yourself in a food storage and emergency preparedness program

I think that each one of these steps is important to have and use with a family. My dad has always shown and taught me how to work hard and to budget my money wisely. I am very grateful for this because one day when I have my own family, I will be able to use these steps with the knowledge I already have with handling my money well.

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